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Gender equality (Individual)

In this project we have researched and learned about gender inequality, a fact that is now alive and happening all arround the world. We wanted to visualize this, so we made individual projects. My project is titled "Build a B**ch", inpired in Bella Poarch's viral song.


Gender Equality (Group)

This time, we had to do a group project which we had to present to the class after we had finished it. We worked on the same theme as the individual one but we made it bigger! The phrase we wanted to represent was: "NO SÓC UN OBJECTE!".




"Ego Coniungere Mundi"
(Pairs: María Medrano)

For this project we had to represent Peace and Justice. We took one of the MNAC's paintings named "Crist de Taüll" as a reference and we recreated it giving a different meaning to it's original one: 

- Internet is the one who rules the world now: it decides what is wrong and what is right, controls us by likes, visualizations, ... It gives us a blessing with the "verified" smbol.


Healthy & Easy Recipies

In this project, we've ilustrated 3 different recipies that younger students have designed for a Recipe Book.

There are three diferent techniques:

1. Watercolors

2. Digital Art

3. Linocut



Frames ("Fotogrames")

This project is based in photography, we made our own frames with all the equipment, getting beautiful results such as these shown in the left side. We colected plants and diferent objects before puting them on the prepaired paper and going through all the liquids to get these final results. My collection is named: "La Natura vista des de els ulls d'una granota".


"Physical Touch" w/ María Medrano

This painting is about how necessary physical touch is for humans. But the physical touch we are referring to is the comforting contact between friends and family, which, despite being an irrelevant gesture, provokes a feeling of well-being in us that we could not live without.
We relate our project to the MNAC work "Before the Dance" by Francesc Masriera, since my partner and I identify a lot with the posture of the women in the painting and that is what we wanted to carry with our work.
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Fashion Design: Summer Top

For this project we had to redesign any kind of cloth and turn it into a whole new piece. In my case, I chose a long skirt and I turned it into a summer top. It's a bandeau, triangle-shaped and easy-wearing top.
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